
Introducing Jodi Logik – Create Your Cool, Custom Biodata For Marriage

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Jodi Logik is a web application for creating a custom biodata for marriage. A marriage biodata is usually created by the parents or siblings of men and women who are ready to get married and are willing to go through an arranged marriage. This is a common practice across India.

Believe it or not, arranged marriages still very popular in India. According to the NDTV IPSOS survey and the more recent India Human Development Survey, a majority of Indians still go through arranged marriages. However, because of increasing education levels and economic independence of women, we are seeing more Indians exercising choice when selecting a spouse through arranged marriages.

However, the practice of creating a marriage biodata has a number of issues.

1.       Every marriage biodata looks the same. They are uninspiring and focuses on parameters such as vital statistics, salary, horoscope to name a few. While all these data points are relevant, they do not determine the success of the subsequent meetings or marriages.

2.       Matchmaking happens based on the horoscope and superficial information available through the marriage biodata. As a result, when the families and the prospective bride and groom meet each other, the possibility of a successful outcome is minimal. There are way too many wasted meetings that could have been stopped much earlier!

3.       The need for giving greater preference to personality and lifestyle as a factor for matchmaking in increasing but the existing templates for marriage biodata do not accommodate this changing preference.

Jodi Logik addresses these issues by helping young men and women create a customized biodata for marriage that will not only include vital statistics and horoscope but also include insights about their personality and lifestyle.

That’s not all, Jodi Logik provides a secure way of sharing the profile with people found through matrimony ads and online matchmaking sites. Users can also communicate with people directly through their Jodi Logik profile.

Check out this SlideShare presentation for more details on the value proposition.

Why should you sign up for Jodi Logik? 

Jodi Logik is currently in the closed beta and is expected to become an open beta application by the end of April 2016.

Any thoughts or feedback on the product or the problem it’s trying to address is welcome. If you would like to use the product, I will make sure you get in. Just drop me an email and click on the “Join with Facebook” button on our homepage.

Our Twitter handle is: @jodilogik