
Is a Bestseller, a best seller!


One, you may write because you have nothing better to do. 

Two, you may write because you want to prove a point.

Three, you may write because everybody else seems to be writing.

And four, you may write because you have a story to tell, a message to convey, a thought to share.

Most of us find it convenient to join the race and run for the top spot, but the top spot, ideally to be reserved for the best(seller) is now a matter of extensive marketing and a ruthless atmosphere of tagging every other book as ‘The National Bestseller‘. It is amusing how every story with a romantic hero and a beautiful heroine, written by a young college lad or lady, tops the charts. And it is even more hilarious that most of these writers do not exist for a long time in the writing world as authors, blame it on the nature of the race. This is how it is meant to be.

Can this be changed? Enveloped in an era where language goes parallel with business, and good communication with success, how does one differentiate oneself in respect to both from others. I am a believer of stories myself, a story-teller and non-fictional figure lucratively living in a fictional world of fantasies and dreams (like all dreamers- under the hood of high hopes), and all of the above collectively comes to tell a tale. Now, I shall work out my ‘story‘ to produce what is called a ‘draft‘, which shall be compiled and put into a ‘manuscript‘, which further shall be submitted for evaluation to ‘publishers‘, and post publishing be called a ‘novel‘ or a ‘novella’. Technically, readers should make the novel sell, but publishers and marketers just sell the novel and it is already called a Bestseller. This should be a little different. This is how the literature industry in India, which as per the boom should be growing, is actually bringing down the standards. Undoubtedly, there is an urge among people to write and produce content, there are forums and organizations to nurture youngsters with this talent, but at the same time, quality is somewhere missing. It has become pure business, if I may say so. (PepperScript, a publishing unit is owned and operated by the author of this post, for the very purpose of business.)

Can this be changed? The right stories move ahead of the less right stories; The better writers gain the higher spot and not just those of the well marketed books. When deserving author is rewarded, all the four reasons above stand justified.

As a part of this industry, I find myself confused with who and what to pick, who and what to sell. Let’s hope I can get rid of at least a little part of this confusion with The Rodinhoods.

Please find my immature writing in a well appreciated novel ‘The November Note‘, now published under PepperScript. We (along with a friend- Prateek Verma) began writing when we were 18, and managed to get it published within 2 years. It is not among the best of stories, but definitely a favourite of many young hearts. A friendship ridden tale, a true love experience and not just about November. Please note, the book is not a Bestseller. 

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