
It was all about the Dowry…

Written on 22.02.2011

As the dust settles on the Nokia choice to go with the Microsoft Windows 7 operating platform (ditching their own Symbian platform), a few reports point out to why NOKIA went ahead with Microsoft:

Microsoft paid Nokia a higher sign up amount (Dowry) than Google offered them to switch to android.


Dowry always lands up with either the bride getting burnt or leading to a perpetual discord between the families who engaged in this shameful act.



Here are a few reasons why I think Nokia has made the biggest blunder of its life: 

– Microsoft is a seriously looking like ‘a few trick Stallions’ packaged software business. Other than their OS and Office suite, nothing they have down in the Service as a Software (SAAS) model has gone anywhere.

On the other hand, the business of Smart Phones is all veering into SAAS. The Operating System has to be ‘Open Source’ to create massive innovation and third party apps (android) OR a ‘once in a galaxy’ brilliant company like Apple that has has created a massive walled garden – but that garden is EDEN and everyone wants to get inside. 

Neither Nokia nor Microsoft come near Google or Apple in their respective skills in this line of business.

– Microsoft SUCKS when it comes to Consumer Products. Look at Zune. Forget Zune – look at the Windows 7 phone.

OK – here is the bet – do you know ANYONE – and I mean ANYONE (other than a developer who has been bribed by MS) who actually OWNS a Windows 7 phone?

If you do, send me their snap (with their phone) and I will make them famous. 

How can Nokia collaborate with a Company who doesn’t understand end consumer products? 

(PS – Sure there is a Kinect and Xbox – but they are still follow up’s of Wii and Playstation respectively)

– Microsoft doesn’t understand CONSUMER ENTERTAINMENT!

Smart phones are going to follow a Pareto’s law (the 80-20 rule guy) – only 20% usage will be used to call and text – 80 % usage will be for games, videos, pure entertainment… Check your own consumption Pareto.

Google has Android, Youtube and tons of experience in creating and owning platforms that allow massive scale of consumer entertainment to be published and distributed seamlessly. 

Apple has iTunes!!!!  Even God uses Apple.

Microsoft HAS??? 

– Massive Company Culture problems

I have met lots of MS folks and they behave like pompous Beijing politicians. And the folks from Nokia are worse. 

What was needed was the humility of Google and or the perfection (sure arrogant) attitude of Apple to make Nokia a truly new age successful Company. Believe it or not – Nokia needs a partner centered in the innovation capital of the world – Silicon Valley (both Apple and Google) than frozen and disconnected Seattle (MS).

This combination looks like politicians from Beijing and Moscow are going to be camping in Siberia to figure out how to create the next Facebook. Calculate the chances yourself.

Nokia has made some of the most amazing phones ever. And that skill will never go away. They just fumbled and stumbled on the new age operating system. Google with Android and so many other hardware partners (HTC, Samsung etc) has proved beyond doubt that more than a challenger to Apple’s iTunes. And it keeps learning everyday with app providers and hardware partners upping the ante everyday.

What has Microsoft done in this space? 

Shucks I forgot – they paid the dowry. 

(Ps – these are strictly my personal views and not of the Companies I work for).