
Launching a Startup Campus in Mumbai

Hey all you nice people!

It was fun meeting (a subset of) you at the Open House in Mumbai. Whether the ideas take off or not, it was a charged atmosphere with entrepreneurs and fence-sitters wanting to kickstart their dream.

Those of you present there might remember my (our) presentation about The Playce.
Yup, it was the presentation which talked about that one awkward question us entrepreneurs have to answer – “Beta, tum karte kya ho?” 🙂 

Anyway, our big idea is to create a campus of startups.

In particular, give startups the space, infrastructure, resources, connections, and the perfect atmosphere to execute their idea. Sort of a one-stop shop for everything startup!

We have launched this campus : The Playce, about a month back. It is a huge place in Mumbai, which can be the hub for more than 60 startups. We have enclosed cabins, open workstations, meeting rooms, event space, and a game room to chill. Essentially, we are a ready-to-use office space for startups, and we also help you with smaller things like finding a designer, getting a coder to code your website, a CA to handle your accounts etc… for kickass rates.

More info in the slideshare below.

Finally, 5 most-deserving startups will get a free monthly pass for their startup, at The Playce
If you think you are deserving, answer the simple questions, and email them to
Q1) What are you selling ? To whom? And why will they buy it from you ?
Q2) What are the 3 ideal features you would want in any Startup Campus?

For all the Rodinhooders, your first 5 days at The Playce are free.
So, walk right in, explore the Startup Campus, and be a part of the movement

For more info, visit our website and FB page