
LEADERS – Do what they love and love what they DO..!!

Every individual is born with different instincts and different identity. You may never be able to judge the potential of the fish by it’s ability to climb the tree or the caliber of the monkey by it’s ability to swim underneath the water beds. Likewise all individuals are born with different potentials levels and different mastering areas. Just to give you a few examples – the dwarfs in the earlier ages and the marwari’s/ gujarati’s in the present are blessed with high levels of business acumen, the bengalis with knowledge assimilation, the Punjabi’s with the culinary skills, the Khan’s with the acting skills and so are many others. BUT the real challenge lies in identifying THAT HIDDEN BLIND SPOT and striking it hard times and again.

There are born leaders, there are made leaders, there are curated leaders and there are so many other forms of leaders which exists in todays world. But the Real, Original, True and Remembered leaders are the one’s who follow their instincts and have the courage to follow their GUT FEEL. They are the ones who follow their instincts and end up doing what they Love.

Sachin Tendulkar – the legendary Indian batsmen failed to score big in his school exams but he scored biggies on the cricket field. Leo Messi – the football icon did not have sufficient amount to buy new pair of shoes to shape his goals for a football career but he had sufficient potential to score goals which mattered. Abraham Lincoln – the charismatic leader of United Nations -had suffered multiple nervous breakdowns but finally he made it to the position where he could have made everyone else nervous. Narendra Modi – the present Prime Minister of India – sold tea in the railway compartment when he visioned Made in India could sell so many things to the other nations. 

The rule of the game is not to follow what every one else has been doing for rising the stairs of success but the rule is to set and curate one’s own path of success, to follow that inner self which sets us free and makes us happy with what we are doing. The basic funda is assimilation of the good habits of people who have inspired us, building up ourselves around those habits, using those habits for building up our strategies and using them to extract the meaning of our dreams. And stopping not till we are able to hammer down our dream – our BLIND SPOT of success.

Humans are emotional and sensitive – they always connect to things which they like. So if you are doing what you like you will end up speaking directly from your heart and will end up convincing people who think in similar lines as you thinking. You will create a environment of like minded people who can be easily connected to and easily explained to do what is desired form them.

But in the process of building up yourself always remember – enjoy and do something which makes you happy. Leaders must ALWAYS do what they enjoy and keep on doing what they enjoy else they will perish sooner or later. Do not make yourself feel as a shrub planted in the wrong soil cause you will never grow up then. Always seed your dreams in the right soil and garner them constantly with right ingredients so that they flourish up good, healthy and fruitful. 

What you SHOULD DO to make yourself as a strong and happy leader:-

So remember if you want to attain that supreme point of success – follow your instincts – QUIT from those daily instruction of “Do this do that” – follow your heart, find your strengths and do what makes you happy. Remember only people who love and enjoy what they are doing will end up climbing higher and higher. 

One of my stories on a person who was successful but decided to Quit and failed because he tried to follow his heart only in the shorter run to achieve that Supreme success in the longer run – DO READ IT.