
Looking out for some insights

These days names like zomato, burrp or upcoming products of similar type e.g ‘plobal’ are not new for consumers. Everyday many of us visit these sites and try to dig out information about eating joints. These sites have huge web-traffic and thus acts as great online advertising medium. But there are some other aspects which raise doubts in my mind. 

I am looking out for someone who can provide me insights on following issues:

  1. What are the sources of revenue for such sites? And if it’s only advertising then how does this model ensures sustainability in the longer run? 
  2. Do they track lead generation and if yes, then how? 
  3. What all factors contribute to the advertising model of such sort and how is the revenue calculated?
  4. Are there any other innovative ways of tracking leads for such sites?

These insights would be of great help to understand functioning of such business models.

************Thank you in advance for your business sagacity