
Marketing Automation for SaaS & Internet Businesses

Email marketing has been around for a while, and for those who do not know, it is worth pointing out that it represents the practice of sending commercial messages to a group of people via email. It represents a smart marketing strategy that can help build brand awareness, trust, and loyalty, while also increasing the percentage of conversions and of revisiting users.

In a broader sense, all emails sent to a potential business partner or customers is a form of email marketing, as these emails can be sent out for various purposes, such as encouraging repeat business, convincing customers to purchase a new item or service, sharing third-party ads, but also enhancing the merchant’s relationship with a past customer.

You are 6X more likely to get a click-through from an email than a Tweet. A message is 5X more likely to be seen in an email than on a Facebook post.

The world is now steadily moving towards Marketing Automation using email and other communication channels. Traditional Bulk Email Marketing solutions have become passe and modern swift and agile marketing automation tools are fast replacing such solutions.

77% of consumers prefer email as their communication channel and 44% of consumers who received targeted emails acknowledged buying at least 1 item.

The difference here is between targeted and non-targeted email campaigns. Targeting can be done via proper segmentation of the contacts, and where internet based businesses are generating a huge number of contacts, manual segmentation is not at all possible. Enter Marketing Automation’s first contribution- Automated Dynamic Segmentation. 

Across the world, only 18% of the marketers use Dynamic Segmentation and only these marketers are able to get an ROI of $45 for every $1 spent on email marketing.

58% of the Marketers have voted for personalization to be the active contributor towards increased email open rates and click-through rates. More flexibility in personalization can help marketers create more relevant and on-time content. Enter Marketing Automation’s Second contribution – Hyper Personalization. 

Marketing automation can be extensively used for Automated Lead Generation along with Advanced Segmentation. Automated communications in sending Order Confirmation Email, Cart Abandonment Email, Inactive Customer Activation Email, Follow Up Email, and Member Engagement Email – Enter Marketing Automation’s Third contribution – Behavioral Marketing.

New Signups or Leads that have received a Time Delayed Sequence of Welcome Emails have converted into a paying customer 3 times more than those receiving a single auto-responder. Enter Marketing Automation’s Fourth contribution – Drip Campaigns.

SaaS product companies, Internet Businesses, Digital Media & Blogs should use Marketing Automation to:

Marketing automation is an advanced field, but with tools like Retainly, not only can anyone become a pro digital marketer but can now also afford to use such expensive technologies.