
Meet Priya Parab – The Health Shake Woman Entrepreneur!!


Your Name any any other details (site address, twitter handle, mail id(?) etc..

Priya Parab , (work in progress for merging and upgrading these to an active ecom site)

twitter handle: Strombss official id:

Company customer care no: 09322121176/ 09322 492 402

All about my project on:

What exactly do you do?

Manufacture 100% natural, nutritious and delicious health shake mixes in chocolate & vanilla flavours. Strombss that is an acronym for strong minds and bodies is a novel concept in the sense that the source of all nutrition in our products is from sprouted grains and legumes. Nothing artificial or dicey about it!

Why do you do what you do? Is it to make money, to become famous, to run away from something, to retire, to kill boredom ?

Getting my kids to eat healthy foods has always been a challenge that has driven me to many innovations in the kitchen. This is one of those bankable ideas that the world can benefit from.

Is there anything unique in what you do? 

Absolutely! There is no product in the market today that is as natural, as nutritious, as convenient (our product is in powder form in single serve sachets. Just blend in warm milk and drink your breakfast/mini-meal as you like it- hot or chilled)

What happens if this fails?

-Continuous efforts at garnering customer insight, product improvement and re-presentation is a fool-proof method for success. Where is the question of failure? There is only learning and improvising here.

Any one or two incidents that make you shiver or feel proud of your journey so far?

-Many incidents where customers have come back for the product, happy that it has benefitted them. Just this morning, a Doctor(M.D) conveyed that he was happy that his patient-an old lady, liked the product as she felt energetic with regular consumption of Strombss.
No shivers yet. For bad experiences I only say to myself- I shall come back with a vengeance.

State one really bad habit and one good habit (if you actually have one)

Bad: I follow-up to the point of irritation of the opposite person 😉 mostly because no one is in a hurry as much as I am.

Good: This same experience time and again, esp with govt officials for licences, etc has helped me attain nirvana to a certain extent.

Famous last words to the readers?

Clarity of vision, focus, determination and an open mind will never go vain.

Finally, say YES below the next para:
I solemnly put my hand on my religious book/favorite novel and swear that what I have said above (including my photos) is the truth. So help me, Rodinhood



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