
Memtrix. A. Tough. Memory. Game.

Before I start off, let me tell you why you opened this post.You were attracted to this post because of the multiple fullstops used in the title of this post. The same strategy we have used with our latest game named ‘Memtrix.‘ The name is a portmanteau of two words ‘Memory’ and ‘Matrix’. For the ones who don’t know what portmanteau is, its a combination of two words to make a new word. And yes, its used in this post just to make it look cooler. Lol 😀

So, coming to the game, Memtrix is a really tough memory game wherein you are shown a pattern of tiles and your aim is to remember the tiles. After the tiles have been shown completely you have to then select which tiles were shown. If you select all the tiles exactly in the order shown then you’ll get 3 stars in that level. The game also looks very beautiful because of the specific color scheme we used. We spent countless number of hours deciding on the colors itself!


One more experiment we are trying with this game is the use of full stops. Full stops makes a post complete and it kind of makes the sentence more cooler and complete. So, do let me know what are your views about the same.

The game has 4 different modes with increasing level of difficulty with each level you’ll have to memorize more number of tiles. At the end of each level you have a ‘Recheck’ button wherein you can check in what pattern the tiles were shown.

You are up for a huge surprise in any level of Gods Play Harder after all tiles are shown 😉

And yes. The game does look similar to… Well, you know what! 😉 😀 

Do try the game and let me know your honest reviews 🙂

Download here
