
Mera Naam Joker

Currently in mainland at nasik at my parents place on leave. took the kids along with hubby to Amar Circus that was playing in city.

One of the first things that i saw were two Jokers or so they are commonly called, though i wish i would never call them so. both were midgets of different height. My first reaction – they must be cursing their life, must be thinking why were they even born, so much scorn and glares from people all around, so much prejudice, so many limitations in terms of physical appearance, ability, social acceptability. And on top of that ending up in a place like circus.

As the show progressed, these very thoughts were vanishing into thin air and were being replaced by a v strong realisation through intermittant but regular streams of tears in my eyes, looking at every artist who were performing yesterday evening.

In one of the gigs, one guy was hitting the other with a bat which generated awful amount of sound which was making the kids go hysterical with laughs. a closer look showed the bat was cut in slices to make a lot of sound with very little physical impact. People love to laugh at others miseries so i thought, and how cleverly they used this to suit themselves. commendable

The jokers were also assistants to most the stunts that were being done. what i noticed that while trying to appear like fools, they were extremely careful and professional in the manner they were helping as every activity of theirs affect the safety of others. What i also realised that notwithstanding the efforts of others, the acts of the jokers were the ones which were bring out maximum laughters amongst children whom the event is primarily directed.

Another random thought crossed my mind. How many of us really remember or care to bring a smile on others faces. how many of us are actually capable today? in our rat race to excel we have forgotten ourselves to have a hearty laugh, forget bringing out in others. and these people who are clearly disadvantaged in every possible way do exactly the same while trying really hard to earn a living for themselves and their family members in the most honorable way. Hats Off. they have achieved a different level of respectability in my eyes. I am sure i would never look at anyone with a natural disadvantage in the same way. they are the real survivors and winners according to me.

it would also be unfair not to mention a word about the other performers. many of them really young boys and girls, clearly from slums and very little education. with the current education system, no doubt if they had stuck to or could have afforded to do so at the first place, would have struggled to find even a single decent job even after years of education. and here they are, excelling in perhaps things only they could have and not the well bred, well fed, AC- treated well educated beings like us, in gymnastics, daredevilry, “india got talent” type of activities. looking at them, i know they too know there is not much future much lesser than a doctor, engineer, scientist, but ATLEAST they are working hard and earning the right way. one day a few of them if not all would succeed and do much better in life and become a role model and source of motivation for others.

as the programme of 3 hours was drawing to a close with kids visibly satisfied and happy, a strange thought or rather day dream was passing thru my mind

Wish i was selected for KBC and won 5 Crore, i would have given a 10 Lakhs to each of these boys and girls for making me see things in a different perspective altogether and with the hope that perhaps their life will take a permanent turn for the good atleast for them.

Of course i was day Dreaming


Hi, I am Sanchita and a fond reader, writer of any and everything about E-commerce. I write regularly in my blog, and am also a wannabe E-com business owner trying to set up and run my own little business website