
Mistakes are bound to happen

Hello Rodinhooders,

Over the years, we make so many errors, mistakes, sometimes foolish, sometimes deliberate, sometimes we don’t wish to do it, but still it goes on happening, endlessly even though people keep on reminding us.

These are mistakes which keep on making us feel bad, as we don’t wish to do them but yet we do them. 

So what do we do about them, we remember for a few days and then we forget.

Here is an idea from me, if you don’t want to repeat them

1. Make a book, or a word doc

2. Write down the mistakes 

3. The mistakes you repeat, highlight it by making it bold, and then increasing its font size if you repeat them every time.

4. Read them once in a week, when you are relaxed. 

Will it help, it did to me, so just my 2 cents of advice, if you don’t wish to repeat those mistakes.

If you try do let me know your experience :

E :

f : karan

tweet me @Karanpandhi

I plan to make this a kind of helping hand for people who wish to reduce their errors and mistakes in life.

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