
Need your views on the “No Revenue Model”. Best example being Instagram.

Hello rodinhoods,
So I am in my final year of college and like most of you here,have been obsessed about the idea of starting up and not opting for my campus placement.

I have an idea of a mobile app which will be useful a lot of people but don’t think it will be able to generate any kind of  revenue as I don’t want to spoil the UX with ads.This model has been very successful in USA and Europe with the likes of apps like Instagram,Path,etc.What I am not sure about is if this could work in India.

By this what I mean is if it be able to generate VC interest (A lot of factors will come into picture here but assuming it genuinely could be solving a major problem).

I know my question is very generalized and jumping to any conclusion will be almost impossible but i would really appreciate any kind of opinion/advice that you’ll might have.You could probably just talk about what you think about this model.

Really need help as I will be taking a huge risk of not opting for college placements but I am prepared to take it. Just want to be able to justify my decision with valid points.Thank you.