
NGO = Noble ‘Gochi’ Offering?


I have always ‘suspected’ the business model and economics of NGO’s.


For years, I have received offers to ‘launder’ money via an NGO. The modus operandi is that you pay them say 1 lac by cheque as a 80G Donation and get back 93-95k back in CASH (the commission to launder is 5-7%).


In the past year, the SKS Scam has totally proven that what starts of with a ‘Noble’ cause, becomes a ‘Gochi Offering’ – aka NGO.


SKS fell from heaven due to its profiteering ruthlessness, combined with the heady cocktail of a public listing, laced with government interference.


This week – 2 NGO’s I had never heard of before have been bickering over their trade names. One of them has even sent me a ‘show cause’ notice (should have been a cease and desist). In this case, both the NGO’s operate under very similar names and are refusing to let go.


I seriously question the following:


– If an NGO can copy and NAME itself almost like another, where is their sense of morals and ethics? How can I be assured that the money they receive is also not being treated with the same unethical value system?


– Who is the AUDITOR of these small and tiny NGO’s? Who checks their books? Who makes sure that the trust placed in them by their donors and contributors is actually being respected?


– What motivates 22 year old’s to ditch their careers and become ‘social’ entrepreneurs? What are their aspirations? Are they all Florence Nightingales? I can understand Bill & Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett doing this, but what makes these young folks pursue a seemingly punishing, and financially non rewarding career? Is there a hidden agenda behind all this?


– Are these NGO’s and their promoters even CAPABLE of the task they have set out to do? Are they losers/people who can’t take the real world pressure and run and become Social Saints? ( I see this a lot with people who join religious movements) – are these people ESCAPISTS?


– Do people like you and me DONATE out of GUILT for not doing too much – not helping society and hence is this is a nice way to monetize common man GUILT?


– Do NGO’s get easy funds from rich entrepreneurs and Social VC’s and Banks who are in a hurry to just invest in ‘GOOD’ deeds?


I have NO DOUBTS about the wonderful organisations like CRY, Save the Children, UNICEF and others – but for all these newly minted ‘NGO’ types – my mind is turning red….


What is your view and experience of these NGO’s??




The NGO drama on is available here