
‘Online is the New Mall of India’ says Rahul Narvekar – Co-Founder of


your Name any any otherdetails (site address, twitter handle, mail id(?) etc..

Rahul B Narvekar


What exactly do you do?

Co founder – Director Brand sourcing for india’s leading fashion and lifestyle ecommerce retail store .


Why do you do what you do? Is it to make money, to become famous, to retire, to kill boredom ?

All of the above:)


Is there anything unique in what you do? And here ‘unique’ can mean anything – doing what’s been done for donkeys years and yet in a more cost efficient manner, or something new in a boring business or line or simply inventing something completely new?

We bring the best of global and local brands to our members at a hugely discounted price – Daily


What happens if this fails?

Failure is NOT an option .


Any one or two incidents that make you shiver or feel proud of your journey so far?

The first 3 months were really scary since we had no idea if people would buy products online . The proud moments are many but one which stands out was when we flew in our top 10 customers from across the country to attend the lakme fashion week in Mumbai . Here we had the best of people from towns like guwahati , Chennai, Goa etc flaunting brands purchased on strutting around the fashion week .


State one really bad habit and one good habit (if you actually have one)

am a big time foodie and it shows and how 🙂


Famous last words to the readers?

Online is the new Mall of India …….


Finally, say YES below the next para:

I solemnly put my hand on my religious book/favorite novel and swear that what I have said above (including my photos) is the truth. So help me, Rodinhood



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