
Our Temple – Our

TheRodinhoods is our temple, and being here we are ourselves. Thinkers. Doers

And some of us are crazy about design. Having read the Steve Jobs Biography and seeing the Rodinhoods homepage I am saddened.

It can definitely be more cleaner and better for more engaged reading and for connecting us better.

Here I am not cribbing about this and definitely not requesting Alok sir for any design changes. It is as much Alok sir’s site as it is ours! Alok sir the original Rodinhooder has made a wonderful platform. And using the NING platform Alok sir has focussed more on the content and culture of this Site. Since it is a ready made platform many changes and customization arent easily possible.


On some probing, from this very website I had found this  google chrome extension “The RodinHoods – Beautifier”.

Have been using this since months now. It is specifically made for this website by a fellow rodinhooder and it beautifies the site and how.:)

When reading the complaints about the website design yesterday on an old post by Alok sir, I made up my mind for this post.

people use chrome and get this etension. Our Rodinhood temple just got more beautiful

@iAnuj has made this extension and It is Wow!. please the creator for this standup and take a bow. Complaining is easy doing something about it is the rodinhood spirit!

P.S what suprised me is there are only 6 users of this extension.
