
Page99 – A Better bookstore and a labour of Love

A common friend introduced me to Nivida sometime back when she was looking for someone to help her with Digital Marketing at her newly launched startup. 

Nivida is very passionate about books and used to write reviews at her blog called Page99. After almost two years, she decided to open an online book store which would only sell books that have been read and reviewed by her and her team. The idea was to build on the community of book lovers who loved reading a physical book and enjoyed stuff across a wide genre, and make it easier for them to buy great books.

While reading and reviewing books is fun, running a startup involves a bit more work and a lot of stuff she hadn’t bargained for. However, she seems to be enjoying it at the moment and is determined to make Page99 a successful community of book lovers in India.

So without further ado, here a brief interview which encapsulates some of her triumphs and tribulations as an entrepreneur.

Chance. Dad’s bookstore (The New Book Depot in Connaught Place) was shutting down and there was a sentiment to keep it alive. We decided to take a real bookstore online despite all the big fish, do it better, and here we are. is an online bookstore, which is being developed specially for book lovers. We spend our
day finding books worth reading and bringing them to you. We use modern media to try and reach back out to old school philosophies of books made of real paper. There’s an alarmingly large community of book lovers that don’t subscribe to e-reading and we’re here to bring to them what they love most, and restore the aesthetic value that is inherent in books.

We want to be a platform for every true book lover to flock to us for information and for buying books that are handpicked and not available easily in India either. We believe in what we do, and are very meticulous in how we do it – customers and books come first, and that is seen in every action, be it design, customer service, our gifting, our packaging, our policies, etc. Everyone I meet asks me this question and I’ve come to realize that there is really is nothing to compare. The megastores are just that – megastores. Page99 is a niche, love filled, honest little bookstore that works with books, and people who love books. Books are not treated as objects here. You should see the excitement in office when new books arrive! We also like recommending books to people, whether they buy or not (but we prefer the buying please!) And we gift with serious thought. No two gift-packagings that we have sent out are the same – we scour various markets to find unique and eco-friendly materials for our gifting!

Well a first would be answering questions about how we’re different from others, and establishing that firmly. Another would be that of setting up the e-commerce module, technology, reaching out, staffing, finances, logistics etc. One of the challenges we still face is people looking for the “best deal” and “discounts”. There are so many people who stick with us despite the lack of discounts. Our motto is: We deserve to earn money too! 

But honestly, none of them really seem like problems when I compare them to the emotional and psychological troubles of being an “entrepreneur”. I’ve hated my job, run away from it, ignored it, bawled in the face of insecurity and done everything wrong – and that’s the easy part. The tough part is getting through that and finding your way back. There is a lot of meaning and responsibility in my mind that comes with the word “entrepreneur” and I see a certain amount of success factor attached to it. At the moment, I don’t think I’m there. Getting over these fears of failure and insecurity is a mammoth task, and there’s no definitive “getting over” them. It’s an ongoing cycle. And I must add – I have experienced the stress of being a woman in business. But I won’t harp on about that here.

Like I said… ongoing cycle. The “business part” of stuff just happens. You think, you solve, you move on.
For the emotional stability: I hate this cliché but I do have a ridiculously supportive set of parents and a husband who has blind faith in me. Sure they piss me off with that occasionally because I don’t see reason behind their faith, but somewhere that must have kept me grounded. That and the fact that I’m a trained psychologist really helps me analyze myself and keep it together. Again, keeping it together is much much MUCH harder than letting loose and screaming or crying. I’ve stopped taking myself so seriously, and have introduced humor at work 🙂

I don’t have a concrete answer. Maybe Dev (husband, etc). He’s taught me how to think creatively and think laterally and critically, and ideas inspire me. Every new idea is like a shot of adrenalin, whether it works or not. I get so kicked I can hardly sleep. But I’m sure I would not have been able to think the thoughts that I think today without the conversations that I’ve had with Dev – singularly.

First and foremost – NOTHING can motivate me to wake up. I love sleeping. But when I do pull myself out of bed, it’s mostly because some crazy idea is bubbling in my head and I just have to get up and see what I can do with it. And there are a bunch of days when there is no inspiration, just a little sense of responsibility.

Do you have to ask – books!! Reading is a part of my job – how much better does it get?!

Oh no!! Not this question!! Can I not answer it please?! It’s such an unfair question! I feel like I’m betraying them by picking! (Book lovers will understand!) So I’ll pen down 5 but it’ll have changed by tomorrow:

a. Asterios Polyp by David Mazzucchelli : The art and architecture of this book are a bit awe-inspiring. It’s a graphic novel that I’m going to frame page by page one day

b. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn : redefining light thriller reading. Could not sleep till I finished this book. Then I felt bad that I had finished it so fast. 

c. The Illicit Happiness of Other People by Manu Joseph : witty, dry, true to life, and a mystery solved. I’m in love with this man. He has a special ability to narrate quietly. Total opposite of Flynn

d. There Once Lived A Woman Who Tried to Kill Her Neighbor’s Baby by Ludmilla Petrushevskaya : Russian hero of literature for me. Her ability to connect the unreal and real is unmatched. She will make you so uncomfortable that you’ll start rethinking your views on what makes for something that is beyond us, and that which is really within reach

e. The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera : to be read by EVERYONE to get a better understanding of “life” (love, loneliness, longing, philosophy of the highest order). You’ll be a different person when you’re done with it. If you’re not, there is something seriously wrong with you.

Yes. Retain your innocence. 

Its one of those truly passionate ventures. To get a sense of how they do stuff, here is picture of how they pack some of their gifts. More gifting photoshere 🙂

About me : I joined Rodinhoods when it was just 3 weeks old 🙂 Love bouncing and sharing ideas here. My day job involves running a Digital Advertising agency called Experia Media based in Gurgaon. If you have just started up and are looking for office space in Gurgaon, check out our co working space here. Benefits include free marketing advice 😉



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Editor’s note: This is interview is part of our series of ‘Meet the Rodinhooders’ – where any Rodinhooder can interview another one! if you’d like to interview another Rodinhooder, or would like to be interviewed, simply send an email to


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