
What I learnt from the Trump Clinton Battle

The Trump Clinton battle made me introspect a great deal. It reinforced a belief which I had suspected for a while…

In life, there is always a choice to make, between bad and the worst:

Every 3-4 years (like the election cycle), each of us faces a fundamental  and difficult decision to make in our lives – be it career, business, personal, social or a combination of all of these. The decision we have to make is equivalent to voting  (choosing) one hard difficult choice at the cost of forsaking the others.

The choice is never easy and its replete hits and misses.

Take Clinton and Trump and what they mean to me:


Negatives : Cunning, Deceptive, Unrepentant, Sly, Thinks “I can always get away with it”

Positives : Stable, Status Quo, Presentable, Predictable, “Liveable”


Negatives : Obnoxious, intolerant, arrogant, insensitive, narrow minded

Positives : Determined, Ambitious, Pushy, Ruthless, Unafraid.

Now, cancel out the candidates in the picture and just play with the qualities I’ve listed (you can make your own)


Stable, Status Quo, Presentable, Predictable, “Liveable”, Determined, Ambitious, Pushy, Ruthless, Unafraid.


Cunning, Deceptive, Unrepentant, Sly,  “I can get away with it always”, Obnoxious, intolerant, arrogant, insensitive, narrow minded

Think about it and reflect : Haven’t you had to choose between many such people, situations and choices in your life over and over again?

As an entrepreneur, I am forced to fire loyal people because they become arrogant or too predictable (not innovative enough) or I have to say “NO” to clients, associates and even partners who start behaving obnoxiously and with complete insensitivity. It a very tough decision.

The heart says, “let things continue the way it is”. But like an election, that choice is not possible nor feasible.

When opportunities come, I have to be ambitious (like Trump) or when I feel strongly about something, I have to be “Unafraid” of speaking up.

The point I am making is that we all have a Trump and a Clinton to choose between. There is never a ‘perfect’ choice and abstaining to vote (not choosing between two paths) is being a coward.

Meditate on the 2016 USA Elections and zone into yourself to vote for the most important priorities, people and choices in your life. It will not be a perfect decision, but will make you introspect like crazy on what really matters to you.

And don’t be surprised if you vote for the NOT so apparent or favorite choice.
