
“Playing” entrepreneur

Here is a story of my friend in US who was two years in “playing” entrepreneur and failing. I want to share exactly how he wasted money/time so you can avoid the pitfalls that he succumbed to:

Here’s what he did to guarantee wasting two years and money.

Total time wasted: Over 6 months
Total money wasted: $4,150

What if he would have invested all of this time and money in doing just one simple thing that actually moved the needle vs made him feel like he was running a business?

Game of playing entrepreneurship over… after spending so much time and money he has finally realized what he was doing wrong and have killed the inner wanna be. He learnt the lesson hard way and have sorted the priorities now. Putting all the efforts in tasks which will take him closer to that first sale.

I hope I saved someone else some time and/or money 🙂