
productYo: Making your products visible among the right people!


I am really excited to be a part of this awesome forum and wanted to introduce our new startup productYo (I am a startup evangelist at productYo).


productYo ( is a product discovery platform for India . The products are crowd-sourced by startups evangelists from the eco-system, bringing together entrepreneurs, investors and journalists (our logo makes sense now?). productYo brings great visibility, early adopters, feedback and PR to the awesome products you are building.


The platform was inspired by a highly successful platform based out of US that lets users share and discover new products. The said platform has provided a great tool to product evangelists in enabling discovery of awesome products and to entrepreneurs in getting visibility among the right people.

Pain Point:

Finding early adopters, getting early visibility and traction in India is a nightmare (platforms like therodinhoods help greatly in alleviating this). Having felt this ourselves while marketing our previous products and seen the success of a similar product in US we believed there was a void in the startup eco-system in India, and hence we built productYo.

How does it work:

People who have used Reddit should find it quite familiar. Discovered Products (Name, title, thumbnail) are posted by startup evangelists invited to post, which can then be upvoted, commented on.  The page also has a hyperlink to the product/startups page. While invitation is necessary to post and comment,  anyone can register to view and upvote.  Products posted should have a beta version out for the post to be approved (One cannot discover and experience a non existent product!!! ).

How to get an invitation to post and comment:

We placed a restriction on posting and commenting to ensure quality of products on the platform. you can always request for an invite by sending an email to Invites are restricted to startup evangelists who love talking about startups and/or products. In the meanwhile feel free to register and discover great products made for and from India (and if your product is listed, learn what users have talking about you). 

Look forward to your feedback and your invite requests.

PS: Asha and Alok – Look forward to you registering on productYo. We will white-list you immediately to post and comment :).



