
Reduce business risk with Crowd Helping before you raise funds: get discovered by Harvard, Columbia alums

  • 2500+ pre launch sign ups and growing
  • Backed by Harvard, Columbia alum is readying for public beta on January 24th 2014. We’re excited to invite startups, innovators, exciting product evangelists to build their projects!

What is hashtaag?

Crowd Helping Before Funding

  • Let the wisdom of crowds overcome your business obstacles, reduce risk and take you closer to funding!

And why Crowd Helping Before Funding/ Hashtaag?

  • Go ask investors! They are seeking teams and products with traction. Businesses/ Projects where the teams understand the risks and leverage all resources available to mitigate them. 

hashtaag makes it happen for your project/ startup!

We are inviting first 50 projects on hashtaag on 20th January. Interesting folks from Israel, CA, Iowa, India are joining in.

What are projects?

  • A startup, creative idea, anything that you’d like to create an impact with
  • To build an engaging story: a video does the best trick OR a slideshare ppt

Why should you create one on hashtaag?

  • Let wisdom of crowds overcome business obstacles, reduce risk and take your project closer to funding


  • As you overcome obstacles in your project on hashtaag, you have a far more solid and convincing case to raise funds

  • We have a cool community of ‘real’ investors already on hashtaag who are looking for innovations/ ideas/ products and projects to fund.

What after you create your project on hashtaag?

  • Its simple. Similar to making facebook updates, you make ‘obstacle updates’ of all kinds of obstacles that you are facing in your projects. ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING.

  • Amazing people around the world will discover your projects and help you overcome obstacles by sharing expertise and networks.

How do you hack your way into the first 50 on hashtaag?

For anything else, the entire team is listening. Here’s the founder to start it with: OR @hashtaagdotcom on twitter!

Ohh by the way, you can build multiple projects too!! 

I look forward to seeing you guys part of some amazingly cool global action!