
Ring in 2015…. But Ring it Loud and Relevant!

My dear Rodinhood,

2014 has been good, bad & ugly to ALL OF US! That’s what an entrepreneur’s life is about. Uncertainty. Struggle. Tunnels. Survivial. And Triumph.

This year we’ve read many inspiring Rodinhooder success stories that have made us proud. Some of you got funded. Some acquired. Some just started up! And some folded up.

Either way, you’ve come home richer & wiser. And stronger.

Your journey has just begun!

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At trhs, our endeavor is to make your entrepreneurial journey less lonely. People ask what’s the business model of trhs? It has only one model: TO HELP.

We want to HELP you as a community, with our combined resource pool of 5000 articles and experience of 9000 rodinhooders! So if you are stuck or unsure, please post your queries in ASK. Seek guidance & suggestions. Look for a mentor or a co-founder or a team member. Earn some good karma by sharing your insights on posts in ASK! Feel free to showcase your new ideas for validation, new ventures for constructive & candid feedback. Browse through the SHOWCASE! section and give new ventures a dekko. Keep adding value in any way you can!

All of us are struggling. Some for funds. Some for tech. Some for people. As founders, each day, we have to put out fires, find alternatives, make do with our limited resources and yes, find solutions. For we have no choice. The onus of making things work is on us.

We’re trying to make trhs work best for you as well. We want to make our community as inclusive as possible. So if you wanna volunteer to do stuff on the site or at our events – just let us know! We may not be able to organize Open Houses in all the cities we’d like to; but this year, we shall try to do some hangouts with more cities to be able to interact with many more of you.

There’s a lot of other exciting stuff planned. So stick around. 🙂

Meanwhile, pls read the Best of 2014. It will give you a fair idea how versatile you all are! 


Today, the most challenging thing for every startup will be to STAY RELEVANT. To be heard and noticed and recognized. Stay connected with fellow Rodinhooders and with trhs. Let’s be relevant together.


Have the bestest year ever.

Your moment has arrived! 


much love and luck,

asha & alok


