
Running Musings: Let Procratistination guide you to Action

I have never been much of a procrastinator. However, in the past few months, I had been procrastinating on a couple of issues. One was regarding the purchase of a significantly expensive machine. Though our estimates of savings + revenues had us paying off the machine in 12 months worst case & 6 months best case, the huge temporary dent to my cash reserves + being one of the first in the world to use this untested technology had me procrastinate for almost 3 months. 

The machine finally came on the auspiscious day of ‘Vishu’, Kerala new year, and it works like a charm. I believe this is going to be game changing event for As we now have a significant product differentiation.

The other decision which I procrastinated over for over 6 months, was a more personal matter. I waited for signs, professional milestones & personal milestones to make a move on it. When I finally got down to it, it was too late.. As Frank Sinatra goes in’My Way’, “Regrets, I’ve had a few…”. I have a feeling..this is going to be one of mine..

The lesson learnt was: we procrastinate on the most important decisions of our life. They are the ones that bring about the most significant changes. We instinctively fear ‘change’.  But also, inherently, we also fear our own success, an improvement to our lives, a move towards happiness. We are our greatest saboteurs.

So go on and ACT on your greatest fears! Let’s keep those ‘regrets’ to a few or as Sinatra put it “too few too remember”..  And you may still get another chance..