
Search + Facebook = Can be the real Google Killer!!

When does a big wide ‘Search for what you are looking for’ appear on Facebook?

So, let’s take this real case:

I attended GDC 2011 (San Fran) and was obviously not able to attend all the panels and discussions.

Now, sitting on my table, I typed ‘GDC 2011 Updates and notes’ on the Search bars on Google and Facebook respectively.

See what Google shows me:

It’s anonymous, factual and is based in click by click discovery – I will keep clicking on links till I find what I was looking for.

Now see what the same search shows up on Facebook (I think by far the ugliest piece I have even seen on a Facebook page so far):




When Facebook integrates ‘SEARCH’ that spiders ALL WALL POSTS across all its 600+ mn users and then shows it to me in organized manner:

First, the posts of my friends – so these are posts that are organized by way of the subject.

Next, posts of friends of my friends – so that I can read them and also make these Friends of Friends my friends.

Lastly, posts of other people on Facebook relating to the search query I had.

Now, think of the Google result again…

A) The anonymity of whose links I am visiting will be killed… I would rather read a post of someone I know that any random person (even if it’s TechCrunch)

B) The posts will be via REAL persons whom I can identify and hence follow up with (I mean real humans write what we find on Google right? But I can’t connect with these people other than ‘commenting’ below their write ups…)

C) I can make real friends with people who have similar interests in topics that I am involved in.

D) Advertising near and around that page will be more effective than Google CPC!!

E) Here comes the killer – SEO would essentially be redundant, ‘coz who would post JUNK on their own walls (and the Facebook search algorithm would obviously check how many friends do people have to rank the search results)… so all those crappy sites stuffed with SEO garbage would be a thing of the past!

Considering this, don’t you think SEARCH will make Facebook the REAL GOOGLE KILLER?!!
