
Seriously, what’s wrong with Indian e-commerce?

As if free cash vouchers to sign up weren’t enough, it seems like Jabong is trying a more targeted approach. Offering 50% off only for IIT students! Pardon me for my ignorance here, but this is the first time I’ve seen this kind of discrimination based on a user’s educational qualification. 

Curious, I clicked on it..surprise!

The same result page as the one you get when you just click on the “Sale” tab..although an alum and not a student, I felt cheated!

I have been thinking on why Jabong would mention “IIT students” and not just “students”. For what I know from my experience, the advantages that IIT students have over other student consumers are:

– a 24X7 internet access at pretty good speeds

– possess credit/debit cards

– more willing to engage in online shopping as many IITs are located in Tier-2/3 cities with fewer shopping destinations.

But, on second thoughts I guess all three points apply to a large section of the student community too nowadays. 

So what could it be? Just another cheap marketing trick of a portfolio company of the Samwer Bros. or a desperate attempt to get some sales?
