
Show Rodinhoods: Bat Notes, an app to save your tweets and links using twitter’s hashtags

Hello fellow Rodinhooders!

I am a big time web surfer and consumer information for at least 4 hours everyday. Many times, I find interesting and useful information which I wish to archive and save for future. So, I started using online services to save links, but they had an extra step to complete, i.e. Submit them. I almost always forgot to do that.

Then I tried using browser bookmarks, but it turns out it is very difficult to organize using browser bookmarks. Also, when I had my hard disk failure, I lost all the links, some of them like “Tricks to book tickets on IRCTC” were really important.

It was then, when I had a eureka moment. I noticed I already share my links on twitter, why not even save them? This was how I started building Bat Notes with a friend of mine.

Bat Notes is an online application to save tweets and links using twitter only.

To save tweets, just sign up at and tweet something with #bat appended to it. Within two minutes, you’ll see the tweet at for you to save it and organize it in different notes.

This way, you can use twitter to manage your TO DO list, save great links, keep track of major milestones, read-it when I get home links etc. all with the convenience of just a tweet, which you were gonna do anyway!

So what are you waiting for? Go give it a spin at Would love to get some feedback from therodinhoods community! Write a comment here, send messages to my twitter or @BatNotes or if you like old school style, I can be reached at

P.S. I made this prototype very quickly just to test the idea in 2 days. It is far from ideal but, it just works. 🙂

Happy Tweeting!

[About Me]

I am Shobhit Bakliwal, a college student who is in love with web development! I used to make crazy android apps for my friends but later fell in love with Rails and beauty that is the world wide web. You can contact me @shobhitic or mail me at