
So, what is your business?

You see, nothing may seem simpler or more obvious to a business owner or a marketer than to know what his company’s business is. 

A bank lends money. An insurance company underwrites risks. A car company manufactures cars. A steel mill makes steel. 

But come to think of it, and the question, “What is our business?” is almost always a difficult question to answer.
In fact, the right answer is usually anything but obvious. 

Like, a bank’s real business is not to lend money, but to help the borrower buy his first home. 

An insurance company’s real business is not to underwrite risks, but to help support the insured’s family in case of an eventuality. 

Similarly, a car company’s real business is not to sell cars, but to add to the style, comfort, and luxury of the car buyer. 

You’re getting the point, right? 

So, what’s your business?