
Sponsorship needed for Jagriti Yatra

I recently posted about You and India on The Rodinhoods. We got good response from other Rodinhooders for greeters in respective cities.

Thanks to the community for the support. I may need more support from the community. I am selected for Jagritiyatra as a Yatri for 2013-14. It was one of the best thing that could have happened to me after the start of You and India. It is a entrepreneurial initiative by the NGO Jagriti Sewa Sansthan. This is an opportunity for me to travel with 375 fellow entrepreneurs to 12 different cities and learn and understand the Entrepreneurial efforts.It is an initiative to develop leaderships skills and motivate people towards Entrepreneurship specially in the Social sector in India.

The fees of the Train yatra is 42,000 and it can be sponsored by individuals or Organization. It is deducible under 80G and also the Organization gets a chance to show it under CSR activitiy.

here is the link about jagriti yatra:

I hope you all (Community) could help me connecting to right person through the Rodinhood platform. The yatra starts from 24th Dec and I have time till 10th Dec to agree to pay the fees

Being in start-up I might not be able to pay for my fees. So any help from here would be appreciated.


Chandrabhan Singh