
Stay naked.

There is a naked truth behind everything and everyone.

A start-up hides the head count when on a pitch; a woman hides the financial conditions of her house to her neighbors, a student hides his real percentage from his distant cousin, an employee hides the intentions of switching the job from her boss, the boss hides about how much he values his employee in fear of (you know what), a performer hides his real emotions on stage and teacher hides lack of knowledge about a specific topic to his students.

While many naked truths are hidden to make you feel confident in front of others and to be perceived as perfect and normal, there are some truths that would help you un-complicate your life if presented bluntly in their naked form.

If you mention the real head count of your agency, chances are you may not be trusted with quality work, but if someone trusts you and you are able to deliver quality, you have struck a gold mine. Telling your real percentage to your distant cousin will help you not continue with the fear of being caught and be more open in attitude when interacting – numbers never matter (if only parents could teach this). If a teacher could be brave enough of accepting that he will have to explore more on a topic to teach his students, you can’t imagine the trust he builds with them.

There are many more instances that tells you that being true to yourself first and to others can turn your world up-side down for a moment but then straighten a lot of things for you for a lifetime.

Stay true. Surprise yourself!

This article, first appeared here.