
Sthri – A few women: Series on Women Entrepreneurs

Celebrating women’s day Rodinhood Ishtylee..

We all have those moments we decide what we are going to do for the rest of our lives. We might not know how, what, when, where but that moment we set our destiny in motion. Irrespective of challenges, hindrances, hurdles… we get there. Somehow.

It took me more than 6 years and a lot of “Why you will fail to have a great career” to get me here. I have two stalled startups and running another to get me here to this post. The journey has not been easy, but it came with a lot of “I own a start up” pride which turned many smiles of friends and family into a frown. It is not easy being an entrepreneur even though it has become a fashion. It is not easy being a women entrepreneur because a lot of questioning keeps going around every time something different shows up on her radar. Entrepreneurship is one long beeping on the radar. A lot of us live despite the noise.

If I am someone even close to the dream I had 6 years ago, it’s because of my Mom. Nope, to the world she is just another mother. Because, they don’t know her story and she won’t tell it. Like that, a lot of the stories goes untold.

The consequence? So few women idols, so few career choices (who goes and works in a mine? I know a mother who does that!), so few stories and then we stop to dream.

So, let’s talk. Let’s shout and let our stories heard.

Sthri is a series of posts that helps tell such stories. The stories that curated the change and how it evolved and a lots more with a center-stage spotlight on women.

Though it would be a lot easier to just interview, my aim is to connect to the story and the audience. The aim is to tell as many stories as we can and bring in 360 degree perception. So, Contributors are welcome. Though I would like to do one or two posts, I encourage others to join as well – that way the message is not one side and we get a holistic view.

Men, I would like to see from your perspective as well. So, please don’t hesitate to pitch in your ideas. You can always nominate your mom, sister, wife, your girlfriend or daughter. And I promise to keep you as involved as I am :). If you have story that gives voice to this idea, awesome! Let’s hear it!

Leave a message below if you like the idea / have suggestions / nominate women entrepreneur / wish to do an article.

Image Source:Guardian