
Subhash Marathe: My inspiration? Food and Innovation!


Rodinhooder Subhash Marathe tells about his dreams, likes, dislikes, happy moments and why he doesn’t like “Ye Dil Mange More” attitude 🙂



1. What exactly do you do? Simple and non complicated.

– Digital Media Planning & execution

2. Why do you do what you do? Is it to make money, to become famous, to retire, to kill boredom, WHAT?

– Definitely want to do something revolutionary in this field of digital advertising. Money is the secondary but important criteria

 3. Is there anything unique in what you do?  And here ‘unique’ can mean anything – doing what’s been done for donkeys years and yet in a more cost efficient manner, or something new in a boring business or line or simply inventing something completely new?

 – Yes people call it effectiveness and the time efficiency; I call it professionalism and urge to do something new.

4. What happens if this fails?

– Well . then the whole world fails.

 5. What’s gets you most irritated? And what makes you most happy? (mention anything – private, personal, confidential, if you committed a murder and are felling guilty about it or just what you wanna)

– I get irritated when people point figures at you after you have really performed well ( specially the clients or bosses who has the “Yeah dil maange more”  tendency). Sign of achievement makes me happy.

 6. What makes you tick? Why the hell are you doing this?
 – Food- I Love food & Innovations – I am inspired by Mr. Einstein.

 7. Famous last words – if you knew you are going to be hit by a truck tomorrow, what would you like to tell the world (other than crossing the road safely)?

– “Try to achieve something good in life which will make you proud” I have done it, have you?”

 8. Also your photo and your email id and business url’s/names (if you want to share and get more visits)

 Finally, say YES below the next para:

I solemnly put my hand on my religious book/favorite novel and swear that what I have said above (including my photos) is the truth. So help me, Rodinhood

Yes 😉


You can be here next! Just visit this link and interview yourself!