
Suggest a Brand Name and win something BIG!

What we need: Some creative names for a product that’s in the market already and has more than 11K app users. You have an opportunity to suggest names for a cool app that rains rewards and if we name the brand based on your suggestion, rewards of course will be tangible!

Product: “MeDine is a free mobile app that rewards people for walking into restaurants,cafes,shops,malls etc. You just need to keep the app and the rewards just keep coming in..Yes you dont need to do anything, simply watch the magic..And you dont need to be connected to 2g/3g/wifi and you can peacefully turn off GPS”. We felt that the name MeDine is not doing justice the rewards we dole out. Can you help us in rebranding MeDine ?

More on MeDine here

Here is our list, pick one or you send us your list. You get exciting stuff (some BIG prize) that you like free  if you are the first one to pick the name we go with…Start ..

Last Date: Jan 31 2015

Please vote for 2 names you like and suggest whatever more in the comments:

What we have are (No, we are not very creative, hence this request):




