
The Only thing permanent in life is CHANGE…

I’ve been an entrepreneur for almost a decade now. Like any other business that is built from scratch, we have experienced our fair share of joy, satisfaction, struggle and challenges at Eco Corner. I observed that successful entrepreneurs have much in common. Here’s one of the common traits..

Entrepreneurs are folks who recognise, embrace and even own the concept of “CHANGE”. Here’s how…

1. Inception

Most successful businesses have been created to bring about some change in how society lives or works. The entrepreneur is the very force that initiates change. He thinks, he executes and he delivers CHANGE…


2. Execution

As the entrepreneur embarks on the journey, he or she is faced with some reality checks of the business environment. As a result, it becomes crucial to adapt, to deviate and to make changes in the business plan to ensure that the idea realises its true potential.

3. Growth
As the enterprise grows, the smart entrepreneur also brings changes to systems and processes that were created so that one is able to manage growth more effectively and efficiently.

4. Business Environment

Every business environment changes. Sometimes the competition creates a better solution and sometimes the economic situation exerts its own force. But the customer’s needs and expectations will always change. This makes it imperative to embrace change to survive.

5. Inner voice
The successful entrepreneur is not a reactive creature but a proactive one. He does not rest on his laurels. He loves rocking the boat and usually challenges himself. So while the world is applauding his efforts, he is constantly focusing how he could further improve and bring about more change for the better.

So in my mind, how one perceives “CHANGE” separates the entrepreneurs from the rest of civilized society.

-Amish Mody
Eco Corner