
The Outsource VS In-house debate – The Blueberry Trails at TRH Open House

TheRodinhoods Open House hosted at the BSE was epic! Walking through the iconic hallways of the Stock Exchange, it gives any business owner goosebumps, to be amidst so much history (and economics) at once. 

I’m @sudeeptasanyal Co Founder and COO at The Blueberry Trails | @BlueberryTrails

The agenda boasted of some great speakers, a varied line up, some very inspirational stories from the roots, some great ideas being shaped, all in all plenty to learn, and at the end of the day there were cupcakes too. What’s not to love?

Big thanks to Alok and Asha! For giving The Blueberry Trails a platform, to speak about our journey so far. Bootstrapped for 5 years, we have remained true to our Philosophy of Personalized Curated Travel and grown as an organisation while at it, and we are proud to b so. And all in all the day celebrated good businesses, funding or no funding. Its all about dhanda! And at the end its Dhanda that will set you free 🙂 (Pardon the cinematic references)

On that note, I would have a query to put forth at this forum. Let me know what you guys have to say about this!

As a Personalized Holiday Planner, we are building an Automated Trip Planner, with a Real Time Itinerary maker. We are in the process of getting Quotes from Agencies for the same. Do you suggest that this should be an In house process, or can this be outsourced to an agency? Which is a more Cost effective and beneficial in the Long Term option, keeping in mind the high attrition rates at Startups too ?

Will leave you with a few lessons on Bootstrapping from our end, from our experience. This was presented at the TRH OH in Mumbai Jan. 2016.