
TheRodinhoods Events, Meetings & Policies Background and Protocol

TheRodinhoods has become a super vibrant community and is growing at an astonishing speed. We are 3500+ members already and add around 300+ members every month!


Meet & greet events became a natural extension of our active online community. Meeting young entrepreneurs, discussing ideas & thoughts, going through their business plans, etc etc soon became difficult on a one to one basis. So we started informally meeting at my office every Friday evening. We’d exchange ideas, brainstorm, solve problems, share doubts & fears – all in the conference room!

I had attended a couple of these squeezed-for-space sessions, and decided to do something big. Putting my event management skills to test, I proposed that we take these sessions to an auditorium. With some negotiations & convincing the people involved of the purpose of TheRodinhoods forum, managed to get permission to use the NSE Auditorium – a lovely 200 seater venue – perfect for conducting Open Houses with pre-decided presentations!



So in the spirit of honoring entrepreneurship we’ve been organizing mainly two types of events:

1. TheRodinhoods Open House

2. TheRodinhoods Mixer

1. The Open House: We’ve had some three odd amazing Open Houses in Mumbai with a structured agenda. These have been well received, both in attendance as well as participation.

We had our first Delhi Open House on Oct 5th at the India Habitat Centre – another iconic venue! Many thanks to Kaanchan Bugga for helping us. It was a super turnout for this one. We had a room spilling over with people standing-squatting-sitting on the steps and full of awesome ideas.

Highlights of an Open House:

– Organized by Akancha, who looks after TheRodinhoods Events.

Alok (founder) makes a presentation.

– Presentations on pre-announced theme by 3-5 Rodinhooders (ppts shortlisted by the editorial team) followed by a Q&A session with Alok’s inputs.

– Sometimes there is a guest speaker.

– This is a free event.

2. The Mixers: These slightly informal gatherings take place ONLY when Alok happens to be in THAT CITY for a particular event. So far, we’ve had quite a few interesting Mixers in Delhi, Bangalore, Ahmedabad apart from Mumbai.

Highlights of a Mixer:

– Organized by a Rodinhooder of that particular city (in sync with Alok/ Akancha).

– Held at a more informal set up

– Moderated by Alok

– Normally a dutch event where everyone including Alok, pays. The financials are not the responsibility of crew.

As of late, we’ve been flooded with requests to organize events in different cities like Hyderabad, Pune, Ahmedabad, etc. We will come to your city, all in good time. Especially if Alok is attending an event there. So please be patient!
Meanwhile, in case some Rodinhooders are keen & willing to volunteer and take responsibility of organizing a la Open House/Mixer in their city, they are welcome to attend an Open House in Mumbai/Delhi and then invite Akancha to help facilitate one in their city.

Friendly meet-ups amongst Rodinhooders/ Entrepreneurs of a City

Post a mixer/open house, Rodinhooders of certain cities have started meeting up regularly to keep the Rodinhooding spirit alive. Rodinhooders of Delhi & Coimbatore have been connecting once a month or so over coffee & conversation. We applaud their efforts to network and exchange ideas amongst themselves.

Please note:

– These friendly meet-ups are not organized by TheRodinhoods.

– Rodinhooders are welcome to create events for these meet-ups on Of course, it would be nice if they shared a story + pix after the meet-up!

A few points/protocol for everyone:

– Please don’t ask Alok to promote friendly meet-ups of your city. The editor will share the event announcement on trhs facebook page.

– For your friendly meet-ups, kindly refrain from using separate email invites with ‘therodinhoods’ branding – sharing therodinhoods event link, etc on fb etc is perfect!

– After an Open House/Mixer, please don’t request one-to-one time with Alok. It’s not feasible. Instead, if you want to pitch a business idea that you’re not comfortable sharing in public, mail

– Instead of phoning crew members – contact them at their official email id.

– For event related information write to Akancha –

– For anything to do with – write to the Editor, Asha at

At the end of the day, we all want a thousand entrepreneurs to bloom!