
Think.Do. Make your Laptop a Rodinhood – courtesy!



Don’t you just love this pic? Thank you Abhik Prasad!



Can’t stop admiring Abhik’s laptop? Then aspire to earn it! Now like the Rodinhood Tee, you can win a Rodinhood Laptop Skin courtesy – our Laptop Skin Partner!


It all started with this post.









To which Akash Sachdev of got very creative (yeah he won himself a Rodinhood Tee for his awesome idea!). Read the story here.









And thanks to him a few others won some Rodinhood Laptop Skins as well!




















To cut a long story short, Akash has generously offered to sponsor some Rodinhood Laptop Skins every month to encourage Rodinhooders to do something innovative on/for!!! Btw, our writer rockstars who have already won a Rodinhood tee for sharing wow content automatically get eligible for a Rodinhood laptop skin if they repeat their feat! Every month the winners will be announced in the Tee winner post.


Yeah… You got to win it to own it!


p.s: Hope this ‘domino effect’ story inspires all of us to do something innovative!


Keep Rodinhooding 🙂