
‘This can’t fail’ says Nileena of ‘Avroha’.. And we agree!!



One of the most exciting and interesting Interviews I have received in a while! Nileena Babu of AVROHA –  a unique music management start up shares her thoughts here!



What exactly do you do? Simple and non complicated.

We are a 4 member team called Avaroha. We take up music bands from across the country, (ones popular in their city but with no resources to spread) and give them chances to perform all around. We also host shows in various cities, 1st one to be held in Chennai on july 30th.

Why do you do what you do? Is it to make money, to become famous,
to retire, to kill boredom, WHAT?

1. We love Music
2. To make money

Hence its making money by doing something you love and helping young
musicians! 🙂

Is there anything unique in what you do?  And here ‘unique’ can mean anything – doing what’s been done for donkeys years and yet in a more cost efficient manner, or something new in a boring business or line or simply inventing something completely new?

Things we do when considered individually is not unique, but when put together, we are the only company in India who does what we do:

– Manage up coming bands all over
– Promote bands
– Conduct shows
– Nd loads more!

 What happens if this fails?

This cannot fail. We have started working already and the response we got is way better than what we expected! There are lot of bands who needs us and lot of customers who are looking for bands..and we bring them together. Scope for this is immense! We work till we succeed 🙂

What’s gets you most irritated? And what makes you most happy? (mention anything – private, personal, confidential, if you committed a murder and are feeling guilty about it or just what you wanna)

What gets me Irritated:- When ppl give up on something they commit to, without even trying.
What makes me happy:- when I see the fruit of any work that I have done! Nothing can make me happier 🙂

Famous last words – if you knew you are going to be hit by a truck tomorrow, what would you like to tell the world (other than crossing the road safely)?

Live the way u’ve always wanted to and work so that you can sustain it! 😀

Finally, say YES below the next para:

I solemnly put my hand on my religious book/favorite novel and swear that what I have said above (including my photos) is the truth. So help me, Rodinhood



Background links and info!/avaroha?sk=info


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