
three thoughts…

First post here and is simply a repost from my blog.

Three, not so random, thoughts on entrepreneurship –

First, I read long back, a thought, which remained with me –

Today is the first day of the rest of your life. — John Denver

This thought is profound. It does not change anything – your problems remain as they were, so are your liabilities, weaknesses and of-course strengths. Nothing changes outside. Absolutely nothing. But it makes a change within you once you internalize this thought – that change is that you DO NOT – I repeat, you DO NOT – need to carry the baggage of your failures (recent or old) with you on your journey ahead. You can drop this baggage right here and move ahead to start afresh – without it.

Second, I meet many people in my day to day activities – friends, family, relatives, vendors and many others. Most people I talk to overrate “idea”. Idea, guys is just that – Idea. It is absolutely nothing without execution which makes that IDEA into REALITY.

Third, I have this good habit of taking notes of Ideas as they happen – sometimes, that means taking notes at 2.00 in the morning (or night whatever you prefer).  I believe that Ideas get lost. You may not forget the idea completely, but might lose a critical small piece which actually excited you so much first time it popped up in your mind. Writing also sometimes unconsciously gets you do a quick analysis of next steps if you have to pursue it in addition to the obvious advantage of not to worry losing it.

To summarize, three things (I will REVERSE the order to make more sense now) –

This is what Derek Sivers has to say about Ideas and Execution btw: