
Top 7 Reasons to become an entreprenuer

Just celebrated the first anniversary of leaving my job and starting on my own. Was reminiscing about the past year and highs and lows. And glad to say that my venture is one the few ecommerce startups which is profitable.

Top 7 Reasons to become an entrepreneur:

1. We hate peace of mind. We need to be constantly battling with one problem to another. 

2. We are shameless: whether it is sweeping our offices, cold calling, manual labour or pestering a client to award us the business, we will be seen rolling our sleeves and jumping around like a monkey to do the job.

3. We love waking up in the middle of the night with a epiphany and running around naked believing ourselves to be archimedes.

4. Our idea is the origin coordinate of for the existence of the universe. Nothing and no one should exist without the Idea (yes with a Capital I)

5. We hate respecting the privacy of others. We cannot wait till morning to call people up and discuss the breakthrough we have come up( we have already done the naked dance in the night).

6. Why did God make only 24 hours in a day. It is simply not enough. Why can’t there be 25 hours?

7. and last of all, because we love what we do.