
TRH Gurgaon OH (Aug 22, 2015) captured by InstaLively!

So with each TRH Open House, we try to do something different.  We try to give an upcoming startup a chance to help us and get some Rodinhooding attention as well! So this time, lots of Rodinhooders said we should try to stream the entire event live.  Bingo – we were introduced to InstaLively and the team offered to become our Digital Partners in a heartbeat!

The interesting part was that the wi-fi at the venue was by Qlicket – also a rodinhooder’s venture!!

(image courtesy pranav bhatia)

The OH lasted nearly 4 hours.  The live streaming videos are in two parts. The VC keychat between Alok and Rahul Chandra is towards the end of the first video and the beginning of the second video.

Sequence of sessions:
Launch – Link You (Networking App)
Session dedicated to Women Entrepreneurs
Foodtech Panel Discussion
VC Keychat with Rahul Chandra & Alok  


My goosebumpy moment was getting pinged by Atamjeet who was watching the live stream while sitting in Cairo! Puneet from B’lore too who fell ill and cancelled his ticket to Delhi, watched the OH in bed :).

Part II

Muchas Gracias!

So I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped organizing the OH. Venue Partner – Team Stirring Minds, Food partner – Puzzles Snacks, Click Partner – ClickMyDay and Tarun (as usual). Sheroes – our Women Entrepreneur Session Partner. And all of our Outreach Partners for always supporting us. 

A big shout-out to Rahul who did a fab job of anchoring the event, the invisible social media team (Sunaina, Anamika, Kaanchan, Nikhil, Mandar) who plonked themselves on the floor, Anuj the mike runner, Arpit the time-keeper, food co-ordinator plus the uncountable things he does (including ensuring I eat something at the end!), Abhik for co-ordinating many things.  And many many others. You all know who you are. 🙂

Thank you speakers for your time and insights. Thank you audience for being to involved.

You can never be too prepared. 

Yes, this time, we had technical issues with the sound. The mikes misbehaved. The loud speakers weren’t loud enough. Folks sitting at the back could hardly hear anything in parts. And despite having organized 250 chairs, we totally ran out of space.  So for many of you, the experience was far from great. And I apologise to you for that. This will never happen again at TRH Open House.


We are far from perfect. But we do learn from our mistakes. Just like any other startup does.

Hope you are able to catch some of the highlights of each session.

Feel free to suggest centrally located venues (auditoriums) that can accommodate 300 people. And pls email the contact person as well. Many thanks!


PS: The pix have been shared here.

