
We believe technology can make the world more empathetic, that’s why we are building imeyou.

Cars have taken us off the streets, where we used to bump into each other and often stopped to chat. Cubicles have taken away a bit of warmth in workplaces, as have factories and even mobile to some extent. Television has planted us firmly in our living rooms, instead of out with other people. Moreso, even movie theaters, where many people get together, cut us off from true conversation because we’re staring at a big screen. Software is eating the world and the possibility of building real connections. And while I’m not ranting against any of these inventions (except perhaps the cubicle), what we must guard against is the tendency of that individuality to have us focused on ourselves to the exclusion of our fellow human beings.

We are building imeyou to strike back against the selfishness and greed of our modern world, and help out a fellow human being today.

So what is this imeyou all about, and why should you care?
Imeyou is the social network to find help from people around and help someone around us. It’s a free to join platform to stay in the know about what’s going on in your neighborhood or in any other locality. Be it to find a dog walker, finding volunteers for an upcoming event in the society, pooling a car, or even alerts about what’s new in the area. There are so many things we can do for people around us, we just need an easier way to discover and connect with them.

Right now, it’s a web app, and a simple screen to make a wish. Nothing to get excited about … except that it will become better and better as people use it. And if you’re wondering, what’s with the name ? it’s instant me to you connect.

How it works ? (Best experience on desktop)

Login on from either Facebook or Twitter.

You can then click on Near Me to see what’s happening in your city and what are the NEEDS of people around you then you can either help them or post your own need. (be sure to accept location access) 

You can Change Location and enter the place you wish to travel virtually and chat with the people there.

I often use it to find the weather updates and eateries at my next destination 🙂

Our Vision – Help someone, someone will help you.
Who hasn’t hoped for a genie to come and fulfill their every desire? The world is full of cities and towns and is constantly growing larger. But the people within them are less connected in their own neighbourhoods. We still need that genie, don’t we? We’re imagining to have that anywhere, everywhere. And we can do it only with you, when we all pledge to help someone, and someone will help us.

Make a wish on