
Web Related Technology Experts – Advice needed

Dear Rodinhooders

I am an application designer and programmer who is working on oracle technologies (Oracle 10g and D2k) and on ERP domain  since many years.

I have a very decent and scalable product ready with us which would suit needs of most of the organizations.

The problem I am facing currently is our product is on client-server platform. We wish to bring it on web. The choices available are mind boggling for us, and we are not able to pick or choose what to use. 

Any technology we choose is not going to be easy for us to adapt, as coming from pure procedural kind of coding on client server, it will sure involve a lot of learning curve. We are willing to put in efforts, but beforehand we need information on what is best for us. 

Friends, I need guidance and help from you to identify the technology we can work with, and maybe, if possible a bit of hand holding during initial phase of learning.