
Weekly Newsletter: Jan 17-23, 2015

ZipDial, SlideShare, TheGita, Tiananmen Square, Questions and everywhere a Quack Quack!

Knock, knock?

All changa at your end? Awesome!

I just felt like asking you something since we’re celebrating ASK Anything Under the Startup Sun! I mean, our ASK section is boiling over with insights! So pls go through each post and each comment – there’s a lot to learn and apply!

And yeah, do contribute by adding your 2 rupiya wherever you can!!

Needless to say, don’t feel shy to reach out to the rest of us in case you’re struggling with something, ‘coz as the saying goes…



Questions, questions everywhere…

Aayush needs a Business Model Validation from you, instead of a customer validation!! ps: You will get free beta access!!

Facebook doesn’t seem to like QuackQuack (a dating platform, not a nursery school!!) and doesn’t allow them to run ads. Digital Media experts – what do u think? 

MyCuteOffice doesn’t have enough supply of shared offices to match the demand. Abhishek needs to brainstorm with you!

Raj just self-published ‘The Gita in my Homework’ – he needs your suggestions to reach out to a wider audience.

Any app developers out there? Let’s bring back Rodinhooder Smile’s smile – he needs urgent help on an award winning app!

What comes first? MVP or Investor?? Pls help this newbie!

Will this rodinhooder be sued?!


Biggies, beyond doubt!

Alok on the 3 lessons he learnt from the ZipDial acquisition!

Rodinhooder Nistha shares her travails of cracking mainstream media for her book…. Do give her more ideas!

Sushrut sometimes throws tantums and sometimes stirs mini storms 🙂

Were you at the Tiananmen Square, asks Alok. Read his story in the comments and share yours as well.

6 Social Media Management Tools every small biz must use! 

THIS IS A MUST WATCH! SlideShare Co-founder Amit Ranjan on getting 75mn monthly visitors from ZERO BUDGET! #webinar


Uncertainity before the Yatras!

Read Prathamesh’s at the Jagriti Yatra story!!!

And Gaurang’s awesome journey that goes way beyond a train journey!

Trial and Tribulations of a first gen entrepreneur – Ashish’s  story – a must read…



People hate your product, and rightly so, says Shwaytaj! Asa kassa?!

What a broken shoelace taught Sushrut about starting up… Shoelaces? Seriously?!! 🙂

Branded content, best content??


Happening STARTUP EVENTS – no question about that!

Folks pls go through the events section during the week – all the hottest startup events across cities are posted here. Every Friday there are awesome webinars organized by Digital Vidya. In case you are unable to attend these webinars  – you can find some of them in our Video section!

E-Cell, IIT Bombay is hosting E-Summit. Check out all the events (Alok will be at one too!) Rodinhooder Rohith (Ro to most of us!) is organizing a lean startup workshop.

Pitch your FinTech Startup to Startupbootcamp FinTech in Mumbai & Bangalore

and lots more!!!




Birthdays are back on the homepage – so pls wish the b’day gals & guys! Thank you Karan for pointing out that you missed being wished by Rodinhooders 🙂


RodinWriter: Vishal Khandelwal (we’ll have to bring him out of hiding!!)

How to save an extra 25 lakhs for your next startup is one of his most viewed articles!

If you missed last time’s newsletter – GO FLY A KITE! 

If you missed any before, you can FIND THEM ALL HERE!


Heartfelt thanks to each one of you who nominated me (IN 4 CATEGORIES!) for The #CMAD Awards – am truly overwhelmed…

Alok always says meditate on the WHY. And if you can’t figure out the WHY – you know where to ASK.



curiosity didn’t really kill this meow…

asha chaudhry

co-founder & editor 

