
Weekly Newsletter: Jan3-9, 2015

Parsi Bhonu, Bullshit, E-com Antivirus & Packaging, Customer Acquisition & some Tête-A-Rent!

My dear Rodinhood,

Welcome back from your extended holiday! And if you didn’t take a long break – welcome back to some stunning startup reading! We’re covering 2 weeks of content this time, so your weekend reading is pretty much Rodinhooded 🙂


So before we hit the biggies, tell us, how did 2014 treat you? THE COMMUNITY WANTS TO KNOW!! No…. Not Arnab. Not the nation. But we really want to know, what was last year like for you/your startup? In just one line! Yep – tweet size. No pothas. No paras. Do tell!

Heavy Duty:

RodinStar – Veer’s 90 days at a startup accelerator

The Startup Hiring Moneyball – neat debut post Guna!

Bawi Bride is set to create a Parsi Food Revolution – read how and help her in her mission! Vrooom! 

Customer Acquisition – the black box – a must read!

Everything you need to know about ecom packaging!

How Taiga reached 18000 users in 3 months with zero marketing…

Mobile messaging is eating the world!


New Startups on the Block – what d’ya think?!


Amicus –  an antivirus for ecom agreements!

Tete-A-Rent! An online, peer to peer, rental marketplace that allows users to rent, swap, share, borrow and give away, their pre-owned, fashion apparel & accessories.

Protolution – a crowd sourced social platform that allows entrepreneurs and businesses to test their prototypes with a community of early adopters. (hmmm – and I thought we were an awesome lot of early adopters :))

JantaDurbar – a community of news enthusiasts – interested in culture, politics and sports. 

Heropreneurs – the latest concept from BrandLoveVideos


Must Watch:

Building a successful YouTube Channel – a webinar by YouTube Partner Manager Aditi Rajvanshi 

Be a Rebel! Arjun writes a note to himself after watching a documentary on Aaron Swartz 

Google’s Head of Conversion on Analytics in a webinar hosted by Digital Vidya


A bit of everything…

Bullshit is Bullshit says Kunal! Yeah – don’t mess with him!!

‘Honesty is the best policy’ says 20 year old Nikhil while getting into a verbal spat on a website!

Bare it all, says Kriti…!!

Meet the brains behind MySuperBrain in an interview!

Leaders do what they love & love what they do


Some crazy Q’s…

This Rodinhooder has picked up some “loopholes” in music apps! Pls connect him with folks who should be paying attention!!

Abhik wants to know how did you learn to code??


THE BEST OF 2014 ON TRHS is out! 15 more posts in ASK have been added. Awesome insights! Do share this link so these articles reach many more readers! Thank you 🙂

Alok’s curated Reading Notes are back! This is where you can find the Part 2 post.

RodinWriter: Tanya Rao & Team Zepo

I think, this comes from all the e-com players we have – thank you for sharing relevant content that really helps every rodinhooder who has an online store! 



Home Front:

We are deeply saddened to inform you that Rodinhooder, Dr Pankaj Khandelwal, passed away last month. He went to Kolkata to attend a wedding; suddenly took ill there and passed away. Dr Khandelwal was one of our earliest and senior-most members. May his soul rest in peace.


Rodinhooder Atamjeet will be doing his first TEDx talk tomorrow. May the force be with him. Wish him luck here.

ATTN BAY AREA RODINHOODERS – Alok is likely to be in SF next month. Pls comment on this old post so we get a sense of numbers and can organize a Rodinhooder Meetup like last time!

Did you miss last week’s newsletter? 

All of them can be found here! 


have a blessed & blissed-out weekend…



asha chaudhry

co-founder & editor 

