
“What’s cooking, dear?” I asked. Prompt came the reply “Strategy!!”

It wasn’t until I crossed over the fence to be an entrepreneur, did I start noticing and pay closer attention to an entrepreneur that’s been around me for a while…my wife – Kaushali.


As a quick background, after having worked for many years in corporate world, Kaushali took a break to start something that she’s always been passionate about – Baking. Two years ago, she started a small venture called Memories…with you always!! with a core focus on providing excellent customer experience, and creating products that leave long lasting memories.


Fast forward to this morning, when I stepped in the kitchen and asked her, what she’s been up to…I got quite a perplexed look. As much as I would have loved for her to think about what she should gift me every month, she was actually thinking about how to scale her current business?


And that’s what prompted me to write about where we are today, and seek your valuable input on how and where can we be tomorrow?


The following visual summarizes our current frame of mind.



Where we are today: We serve a very niche market, take highly customized orders, extremely customer focused, brand conscious, only premium ingredients, higher than market prices, work from home business, with a capacity of maybe 2 or 3 orders per day, mostly cater to clients who can pick up, and only COD or bank transfer payment modes available.


Where we want to be tomorrow: Increase our marketing efforts to reach out to a larger audience, solve our logistics bottleneck to cater to this spread out market, increase production capacity (need to move out of home), and enable multiple payment options…not create run-off the mill products, maintain premium quality and brand recall.


So here it is…please share your valuable feedback on:


    1. Should we look to scale in the traditional manner? (Go online, do deliveries, multi-city, etc)


    1. What else could we do to scale our business without losing sight of our core principles?



Coming darling…Yes, yes, I’ll do the laundry, and drop the daughter to school, and yes will call your parents, and yes will take you for shopping….S@#T did I just say that aloud?




PS: Is the bawi bride listening? 🙂


PPS: In case you’re wondering, why am I writing on Kaushali’s behalf…well, other than my official Saturday morning baby sitter job, Kaushali has just appointed me as her official communication manager 🙂 while she bakes some yummy cupcakes!!