
What’s your ‘new marketing’ score?

They say marketing has changed. The 4P’s of the yesteryear are now 8 or 10 P’s. There are of course the new tools. But, the fundamentals still remain the same. Or do they?

Most heads of marketing (the grey haired, 40-something men & women who have had a chequered career through FMCG, media or advertising would fail if they took this simple test.

The rules of the test are very simple:

Look at these 21 ideas that have changed marketing. Ask yourself, whether your business makes full use of them.

And the scoring is binary. If you are using an idea to the fullest, award yourself 1 mark. If not, mark a ZERO. If you come across something that you’ve never even heard of give yourself a negative 1 (-1).

What score is good? Frankly, I don’t have an idea. But, I would like to believe that the brands who are using ‘new marketing’ well should score at least 15. I’m the co-founder of an digital media agency and we barely managed to scrape through.

Some disclaimers:

  1. This list isn’t exhaustive. If there is something that I’ve clearly missed out on, please add to it & let me know.
  2. Almost all ideas on the list are inexpensive to execute. So, let lack of budget not be the reason why you haven’t done something so far.

To download click here.
For some the scores might be scary indeed. Don’t worry. The best part is, we are already aware. Next step – It’s time to do!
Have a happy weekend!