
Whose Life Are You Living?

You’ve get a business idea and get quite excited about it. Who doesn’t, right? What’s the next thing you do? Share that with your family and close friends, most often in that order.

And most often that excitement turns into a disappointment or leaves you in a flux because they tell you things like, “Are you sure you want to take this risk?”, “You’ve got responsibility of a family, how will you manage that,” “You have a safe and secure job, why do you want to risk by venturing out on your own?” The list is endless and you know it.

These objections typically come from people who have lived their life in the average. Doing the best they can do with what they have. Nothing wrong with that at all. But that is not the life you dream of. That’s not your calling.

You want to break free from the routine. You want to make a significant difference to a large number of lives. You want to follow your dreams. You want to change the world!

So what stops you? Other people who chose to lead their lives the way they do? That was their decision. This should be yours. This is your life and you’re the boss.

Think of it this way, in the end, we’re all going to turn into ashes and dust. You’ve been given this opportunity to lead this one life your way. Do you want to live YOUR life or the life that others chose FOR you? Whose life do YOU want to live?

photo credit: milos milosevic via photopin cc