
Why is BRANDED CONTENT the best content to brand building?

The question is really simple, not the answer.

The answer is extremely easy, that’s why no one trusts it. 

We have been educated and mentored in this world where if you give a simple solution to a problem nobody trusts you, but if you give complex charts and explanations and use highly proficient language, people get impressed.

For example, in “3 Idiots” there’s one Aamir Khan’s dialogue, which simply makes my point here.

“Instruments that record analyze summarize organize debate and explain information which are illustrative non-illustrative hardbound paperback jacketed non-jacketed with forward introduction, table of contents, index that are indented for the enlightenment, understanding enrichment enhancement and education of the human brain thru sensory root of vision… sometimes touch” 

BOOKS. He’s talking about books. But the professor chose the non-simple answer.

Now coming back to the question in question,” Why is branded content the best content to brand building?”


1.   It’s Valuable to Customers

a.     If the content is centered on relevant themes and how their product or service is helping out for same, it CLICKS with the audience.

2.   It Informs

a.     Providing potential customers with something other than a blatant marketing message can give you a leg up on other brands.

b.    While traditional marketing is about pushing a unique selling proposition, branded content is the opposite — people first, product second, or even third.

3.   Its great for B2B Brands

a.     Business-to-business (B2B) companies don’t normally have the chance to leverage the same spectrum of creativity that business-to-consumer (B2C) brands enjoy.

b.    A recent study by B2B magazine showed that 51 percent of B2B marketers recently identified content marketing as their number one source for leads, with sales activities only accounting for 29 percent.

4.   It’s easy to share

a.     Entertainment is the best way to reach out to people and creates a far better reach than any traditional marketing technique.

b.    If it’s funny, humorous, touches your heart, evokes an emotion, then your brand has succeeded.

c.    The content goes viral and so does your brand. 

*These views are entirely objective and do intend to challenge your intellectual thought process.

**No animals were harmed in this write-up; my pet slept peacefully when I read this to him.

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