
Why not to Start-Up

This article is for people who are trying to start something on their own without joining their father’s business and who do not belong to the non-human and coveted class of IIT/IIM:

We would like to tell you some important reasons to not think of starting-up- 

1. Designation:

                       So you will never have those cool designations (Sr Account Planner , Manager(strategy and branding) which you and your parents can flaunt in front of your relatives and neighbours whose corporate knowledge comprises of Infy , TCS and HCL.

What, you are a CEO, even your Nukkad Paanwala is a CEO. 


             You will have to borrow from your high salary earning flatmates who will start taunting you for not contributing to house “booze” quota.

All your money will go into printing visiting cards or drinking coffee at CCD (thats where most of your meetings will happen)  and forget about all those EMI schemes because there is no cheque coming at the end of the month. 

3. Friends:

               You have lost touch with your most of your schoolmates , your engineering mates are of no use (not one knows how to make a website) and all your B-school mates are seen as potential clients. You will attend numerous random meet-ups in order to find the Special One . 

So who are your friends, your Laptop , Dongle and Gmail.

4. Marriage:

                  Right from the time you are born starts the long battle of “settling down” because that’s the ulterior motive of life .The day you decide to start-up your marriage is postponed by 5 years because your girlfriend can’t wait for that long , your Matrimonial profile will have nothing in Annual Salary column and you cannot afford a housewife.

5. Parties:

              They will become an alien entity to you unless you are gatecrashing one . But you will not feel left out , your FB wall will be full of pics of Sales target parties, team trips , client parties, travel pics( of newly formed travel bugs). This might make you want to cut your wrists or want to kill (ala Dexter) but “self-control” is an Entrepreneur’s weapon.

Therefore never DARE to THINK beyond the comfortable and secure life which a job can provide because the Secret of life lies in the oblivion.

Do not think of creating Google, Facebook or Redbus because if you happen to create one then who will work for it? 

That’s a Scary thought… Scared …be very Scared….