
You cannot know a business till…

You may be a business owner, a professional, an investor or an employee –  the one skill that will always yield an infinite advantage to you is that of “knowing how business works”.

And I am not talking about reading about business and being able to ‘gyan’.

Talking about business and doing business are like the two poles of Earth.
Mutually exclusive!

One is like seeing a movie (a no effort) and the other actually making one (talk to a director or producer to get a better sense).

In fact, what I am talking is about getting the feel of how business really works.

What happens inside an organisation? 

How do various departments function and how are they interrelated?

How do decisions get taken?

What challenges are faced? 

How do conflicting objectives get taken care of? 

So, would you like to claim that you have been on both the poles?

Of knowing business as also having done it.

Then let me tell you about a wonderful opportunity for you.

You cannot know business till you do it… it is much like swimming.
You cannot learn swimming by sitting on the side of the pool and reading a book about it.

You got to jump into the pool.

Ditto for business!

That’s where the opportunity I am talking about is the most perfect for you.

It is an amazing learning program that takes you through all the mystery of doing a real business. It challenges you, gets you to make decisions, allows you to make mistakes, learn, fall, get up and get moving and finally achieve the goals set by you.  A total real life experience!

It equips you with the power to understand modern business concepts and how they can be deployed in almost any business type and situation.

This skill and knowledge that you acquire with this program will allow you to add “infinite value” when applied to your respective career role and make you more valued than ever before.

A unique program indeed.

Go for it. Know more.

There is a special enrolment offer till October 31, 2012. You may not want to miss it.

Download the brochure now. 

Go to the web page now.