
YOU don’t fail…YOUR idea can !!

YOU don’t fail…YOUR idea can !!

How many times have we confused the failure of something that we start with OUR failure? Think about it , the time you started a new group in college (it could be for anything from staging plays to sports) despite knowing that there were 4 other such “groups” which existed but you felt that there was something that was missing from them… then the next thing you know your “idea” to start this group has failed as you have NOT been able to get enough people to sign on OR haven’t been able to raise the resources (from money to connections) to be able to execute your plan..

What is your state of mind at that stage? You sit in a room (maybe get drunk) and sometimes write yourself off and worse maybe NEVER start anything else in your life… OR when you get the itch to start again , one of your well wishers tells you …remember what happened last time ? that single line makes you retreat back into your shell and a budding creator (which is you) gets DESTROYED.

All of us have been through this sometime of the other in life , where something that we attempt out of the ordinary fails to take off and we think we have failed to take off !!!

Ladies and gentlemen, meet me , I am a FAILURE  and NOT once!! YES I have failed with several ideas (4 on the last count) BUT in each of the 4 instances I have picked myself up and started again and again and again and finally I hit the “holy grail” of success (if money measures success that is !!).

Remember that the “start up gene” is present in ALL of us (that is the way nature designed it ) as the process of evolution has to be a continuous process OR we will all perish (remember a flatline means death so movement is the only constant). If you DON’T start , someone else will for sure and then the you will fall in the “IF ONLY….”  Category and NOT in the “I did…..” category.

Take your pick which side to you want to fall in ….. I am very clear and am already on the 5th new idea….. Will it work? Well I will tell you that in a year of so BUT I am sure that even if it doesn’t I will try again and again and again …………..

Keep starting !!